Drunk #28 + #29
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Corrado, and I will be taking pictures of your drunk asses hanging out in Penn Station. If you are drunk in Penn, i will find you. So being that i'm a contributing author to this website, i figured that i'd make my contribution for the day.
This couple found it necessary to attempt to 'sleep' under the safety net of the overhanging schedule holder. I guess when you are completely shitfaced, you have the mentality of a 2 year old; thinking that 'if i can't see you, you can't see me'. Idiots. The cool thing about these two is that they were holding hands. aww... Love
Welcome Corrado!
yeaaaaaa. thank you, anonymous.
I guess they thought it was like being in the back rows of the loge or mezz levels at Shea. At least they wont get rained on if the weather takes a turn for the worst.
Good work Carrado.
Nice hips on one of them.
I hope you put your digits on the back of the drunkinpenn.com card.
Def no digits on our cards... they gotta be awake to know who we are.
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