Monday, September 29, 2008

Reader Submission: Drunk #34 - #36

D.I.P.'s first lady "K.K." sent us these photos of her endeavor in Penn this weekend. She say's that the pics were taken before (and the one of the girl was on the train) the 2:30ish train to Babylon Saturday night/early Sunday morning. This is what she had to say about the photos........ Thanks girl!

Drunk #34
2:30ish train to Babylon
This kid was hi-freaking-lariously uncomfortable. Three wasted chicks came and sat down in his little area. He sat like this most of the train ride. Until I started talking to him and telling him jokes. One of the girls muttered that she didn't feel too well, so he made a smart choice of moving his seat. Within thirty seconds, she started throwing up right on the floor. And then stammered out the words, "Sorry, I ate hot dogs." It was a literal train wreck. She kept dropping her phone in her own vomit. It was really a lovely ride home!

Drunk #35
2:20ish am
Hard to see in this picture. But that is a dude laying on his girl. Apparently alcohol turned him into the chick in this cuddling session. Hey, maybe they don't even know each other. Who knows. All I know is a little bit of booze made him surrender his dude position.

Drunk #36
2:20ish am
Nothing that special about this photo. Just some drunk sleepy dude with a lei on. His friend told me I was cruel for taking his picture.


Manella said...

Thanks Double K! Way to be a team player!

k. said...

You got it.