Saturday, September 20, 2008

We got some fans!

Didn't catch the dudes names, but this is Alyce and her boys. They are the crew that set up Drunk #20 (see below) for her fame on Drunk In Penn. Cool group, def seem like they have a good time.

This guy Terry was funny. When I am drunk I have two things on my mind.... food and girls.... I guess Terry thinks the same. After he finished up his chinese food he was on the Penn Station prowl lookin' for some butt.

Liz and Amanda.... Drunk In Penn supporters.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA this is the by far the funniest website ever!! i was so wasted in this picture i dont even remember telling this man my name.
good job guys

Anonymous said...

hahaha this is hysterical i really just thought this guy was just a creeper wanting to take our picture... totally forgot about it and then found the card when i managed to sort through everything from last nite

too funny
yea drunk in penn!!!

Anonymous said...

That was soo funny last night "WHERE'S AMANDA" lol hahaha

Anonymous said...

who are you!! haha im amanda and they did find me!!

Manella said...

You're friend Liz had a manhunt going on while you were away finding food. She was yelling AMANDAAAA AMANDAAAAA looking for you. I jumped in on it and started whistling for you... I guess after that everyone in Penn knew your name.

Anonymous said...

Maybe yall should add to your technique

Manella said...

Hey Mark! That video was awesome but I am pretty sure that would get us arrested in Penn. Usually everything is kosher in the underground playground but I think 'ass bagging' might get us thrown in the clink. That first girl can put that ass on me any day though if she wants.... anyone else catch a glimce of the bombs on the sleeping girl? You can catch a look for a hot second.