Friday, September 19, 2008

Carmine holdin down the fort as the squally rolls by in their whip. I've been taking the LIRR home from NYC bars since around 1998 and this is the first time I've seen any kind of police vehicle leave from its designated parking spot. If I was part of new yorks finest I would be holding time trials down the tracks with $20 bets per officer.

This brown bagged soldier didn't have very nice words to say about my boy Carmine. Something about how a 16oz can of beer is $2.75 and a 12 oz. bottle of beer is $4. Doesn't make much sense to me either, but I go the easiest route and tackle the tall 24oz man can for $4. Best deal. And you dont argue with Carmine.. he runs the block.

Just another gross barefoot babe in Penn. I wont get over this.


Alyssa said...

eewwww... she's going to get a hookworm or something!

Conrad said...

Who actually brown bags on the LIRR or at Penn? What a loser.

Manella said...

It's not bad idea to bag it up in Penn. The fuzz can still fuck with you if they really want to be pricks. Obviously the beers are sold individually because everyone knows you are going to drink it on the spot, but also gives a bored cop something to do if he wants to break balls.