Sunday, September 14, 2008

Drunk #2

Drunk #2 , 4:32 am:

Walking into Penn last night I was thinking..." I wonder if anyone is drunk in here? " As I made my last turn to reach the hot spot with the big timetable board (shows track number and time of departure for your destination) I was greated to a sea of DRUNKS. I only had my cell phone camera handy last night so I nonchelontly (thats spelled wrong... so sue me) snapped about 20 photos in one minute then relaxed, soaking in the sights till my train was ready to leave. This is lucky Drunk #2 and he looks like he could be the poster boy for Penn Station "alchys". Is this what the breaking point looks like? I guess that last shot of Jager was the turning point? I guess this is what missing your train looks like? Either way, you are laying with your face on the ground! The same ground that a bum has without a doubt took a piss on a previous date! 


k. said...

can you get me his number?
This blog might help me get some worthy dudes.

Anonymous said...

Man this guy looks a lot like me.. His shoes and t-shirt varified I'm not drunk #2.

Manella said...

You never know... you could end up being drunk #222... Shouldn't be long till we get to around that number. Thanksgiving eve is just around the corner! HUGE Drunk In Penn night.