Drunk #17
This is classic. Buddy shown here has all the recipes for a hangover before even leaving penn station. Tylenol, plenty of water, a banana and man on man cuddling. The vom almost made it into the garbage... but why not just let it fly on the floor instead right? It'll be in the perfect spot for you to roll over and put your socked foot into. 99.999% chance that that very spot will have host another drunks face in the near future......

Drunk #18
.......Kinda like this dude. That lil' nook in the corner was def home of some up chuck. I've noticed a trend in most drunks photos. Almost all of them switch over from the booze to either water, soda or juice. Maybe they should just keep it going? Might keep them awake... just an idea. I'm sure Carmine would love to sell them a $4 tall can of Bud Light. He sure loves taking my money every night.

Drunks #19 and #20
I almost feel bad for these two. I am gonna go out on a limb and say they are a couple? I took a stroll through Penn at around 2ish to see what was going on at the hot spot and they were passed out. I came back at 3 and they were still in la la land. Odds are they missed one or two trains. I've done that before with my ex... it sucked.

Drunks #21 and #22
Why just two drunks with 4 dudes in the photo? The two in the center are out like a light, but the guy on the right had the smarts to prop himself up against the garbage and the man on the left... is just.. old. Sure the lounge was empty, but that would mean he'd have to walk his ass over the 52.7 feet to pop a squat. When I'm old my ass is ploppin' anywhere I damn well please. Getting up might be a problem but I will deal with that when the time comes. I was waitin' around for backpack boy to hit the deck, but it didn't happen. He had the Seattle Sway goin' on and I thought it was only a matter of minutes before he gave in and buckled but he somehow pulled it together.
1 comment:
that must be Nicole, from the previous post.
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