Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How original!

Drunk #16

I've seen some homeless use paper as a bed. They will preferably use cardboard, but I guess anything is better than nothin right? This guy was definitely the attraction of the night for me along with all the other late night train go-ers that happened to stroll past him. If you've never been to Penn, this drunk is leaning against the pocket timetable sheets. They are different colors depending on what branch your stop is on. He should get extra originality points if we had some kind of grading system.... maybe that'll be a new idea for us. If anyone knows this dude give him a high five for me! It's almost the weekend!!!! Cant wait to see what kind of material we get this time.

Tip #1 for staying awake at Penn: Go in and read (more like look at the pictures) a freakin' magazine. The shop has about 400 different magazines ranging from porn to interior design.

1 comment:

k. said...

wow, this takes the cake.