Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Drunks #13-15

I wonder who started the trend? At least one of these three layed down first and the other two found it acceptable. Kudos to the two closest in the photo, at least they are laying on bags... no actual skin to tile contact. My guess is the one on the end is in the worst shape... shoes are even off. Seconds after this photo was taken a girl walked by in a broken high heel. I said "may as well take it off babe".. and she did. She was barefoot in Penn with heels in hand. It looked like the walk of shame the morning after a long night at a one night stands house. We crossed paths again while I was choppin it up with Carmine (you'll meet him soon... works at the beer stand in the magazine shop). I told her how it was filthy that she was rockin' no footwear in Penn Station... her reply was "what do you care, we aren't sleeping together". She actually had a point... but as I looked at her I thought...thank god. Hope she threw her sheets out in the morning.


Unknown said...

you shoulda taken a pic of the girl walking barefoot with heels in hand

Anonymous said...

i've walked barefoot around the dirty streets manhattan in tights, with kelly, who had a giant blister, and she fell asleep with her blister foot right in an asian man's face on the train. our feet were dirrrtay black