Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reader Submission: Drunk #37 - #43

Our girl "Little One" went crazy on the photo mission this past saturday night. I personally was under the weather and didnt venture into the 'big apple' so she felt obligated to help out this fine website. The following pics were taken between 4:00am and 4:40am when she had to jump on her train. She had a run-in with some jerkoff who said he worked for the train station. She asked for his credentials and he had nothing to say. She then verbally abused him till he walked away. Sounds about right. She said the 'fuzz' in the station were watching her work and were amused by her drunken paparazziness.

Drunks #37-#39
4:00am ish
Look at these three stooges! I think we officially have our first drunk to be caught with a brown bag bevy next to him! At least he tried to keep the buzz going. As you can see, they are wearing the bracelets that bars strap on when you opt for the open bar. $20 for the wristband and you can drink your face off for two hours. Oh yea, its the classy stuff... well drinks (speed rack) and tap domestic beer. A keg costs a bar around $60 and a bottle of shit vodka/gin/rum/tequila is about $4. Considering you get about 125 pints out of a keg and 30ish drinks out of a bottle of crap the bars are making out like bandits. And... you get to wind up in this condition once the bar cuts everyone off! Lacoste shirt CHECK!, designer sunglasses CHECK!, not going home with a girl CHECK!

WAKING UP NEXT TO THIS WOMAN WHILE YOUR FRIENDS ARE NOWHERE TO BE SEEN CHECK! How the hell do you figure he wound up cuddling with this lady? I wish I was around to see the look on his face when he came back to the living.
D.I.P. QUOTE SUBMISSION: Write your funniest quote for this photo in the comments area!

Drunks #40 & #41
4:00am ish
Sisters?, Mother/Daughter?, Cousins?, Friends?... anyone makes a good pillow.

Drunk #42
4:00am ish
Live from dreamland: Mmmmm White Castle.....

Drunk #43
4:00am ish
Two brown bag attempts in one night? Looks like an aluminum bottle of bud light lime to me.... no purse either? Hopefully she set the alarm on her cell.

Since "Little One" sent so many good pics I decided to split them up into two parts. Come back later for round deuce. Good work girl!

Monday, September 29, 2008


D.I.P. reader "Little One" just sent us 20... Yes, TWENTY drunks that she took photos of this past saturday night in Penn. She said they were all taken between 4:00 and 4:40 am late sat/early sunday morning. This is a little sample of what's to come in tomorrows post..... Banged up kneed, undie showing, open bar bracelet wearing puddles of booze. Way to go girls... comin' through big on the weekend photo hunt. Cheers "Little One" and "K.K."!

Reader Submission: Drunk #34 - #36

D.I.P.'s first lady "K.K." sent us these photos of her endeavor in Penn this weekend. She say's that the pics were taken before (and the one of the girl was on the train) the 2:30ish train to Babylon Saturday night/early Sunday morning. This is what she had to say about the photos........ Thanks girl!

Drunk #34
2:30ish train to Babylon
This kid was hi-freaking-lariously uncomfortable. Three wasted chicks came and sat down in his little area. He sat like this most of the train ride. Until I started talking to him and telling him jokes. One of the girls muttered that she didn't feel too well, so he made a smart choice of moving his seat. Within thirty seconds, she started throwing up right on the floor. And then stammered out the words, "Sorry, I ate hot dogs." It was a literal train wreck. She kept dropping her phone in her own vomit. It was really a lovely ride home!

Drunk #35
2:20ish am
Hard to see in this picture. But that is a dude laying on his girl. Apparently alcohol turned him into the chick in this cuddling session. Hey, maybe they don't even know each other. Who knows. All I know is a little bit of booze made him surrender his dude position.

Drunk #36
2:20ish am
Nothing that special about this photo. Just some drunk sleepy dude with a lei on. His friend told me I was cruel for taking his picture.

Friday, September 26, 2008

9-26-06 2:12 am

EPIC updates tomorrow morning. (so epic, that 'theboss' is coming all the way from queens to pick me up)


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Drunk #33

Drunk #33

The 'where's waldo?' of Penn Station. This is the girl that started it all... without me taking a picture of her, none of this would have ever surmounted. I woke her up right after taking this photo; which, in turn, made her catch her 03:11 train. Your Welcome.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Drunk #31 + #32

Drunks #31 + #32

Keeping up with Corrados couples theme from the other day.... these two were found knocked out last Thursday night (early Fri. morn) in almost the exact same location as his photo. The hot spot is home to most sleepers in Penn. I guess they all flock to the same place and figure strength in numbers works out in the bed time world as well. I guess if everyone around you is sleeping noone is gonna fuck with you right? Wrong.

Have some drunk etiquette buddy! Couldn't give her a shoulder or lap to lean on? I wonder if she found the business card I placed on her bag.... ?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Drunk #30

Drunk #30

Just another wasted dude... except that this was taken at the 23:19 train mark (wayyyyy early, even for Penn standards). Food in (2) separate bags, green/white striped shirt with tie, white socks, NY Rangers hat and about 30,000 people walking by him and staring. GoodJob.

p.s. I haven't had the chance to pick up the business cards from 'The Boss' yet, so all these poor souls that I'm taking pictures of, have no clue. Sucks for you guys.

Tip #2

Tip #2 for staying awake in Penn: Got an extra fiver burning a hole in your pocket? This place never closes and always has a variety of overpriced pizza for you to bite on. A slice of regular is about $4 and if you want a topping prepare to buck up about $5+. Granted, the slices are large you wouldn't pay the price if this was your local pizza joint. Doesn't hold a candle to Famous Rays in the Manhattan, VIP in Bayside or Il Sapore in Douglaston... but drunk at 4am... it'll do.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Drunk #28 + #29: I'm the New Guy

Drunk #28 + #29

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Corrado, and I will be taking pictures of your drunk asses hanging out in Penn Station. If you are drunk in Penn, i will find you. So being that i'm a contributing author to this website, i figured that i'd make my contribution for the day.

This couple found it necessary to attempt to 'sleep' under the safety net of the overhanging schedule holder. I guess when you are completely shitfaced, you have the mentality of a 2 year old; thinking that 'if i can't see you, you can't see me'. Idiots. The cool thing about these two is that they were holding hands. aww... Love

Drunks #26 and #27

Drunk #26
And you thought Jerry Garcia was dead?
He's just been chillin' in Penn Station all this time. Since 1995 you've been eating Ben and Jerrys "Cherry Garcia" ice cream trying to get over it.... so while you've become a barrel ass all you needed to do was visit Penn Station on a friday night for a glimce of the legend from the Grateful Dead.

Drunk #27
Not much to say here. He's drunk and the girl next to him looks bored. This was taken before I got the business cards in... so hes prob oblivious to this website. If you know the dude give him a heads up. Spread the word about drunkinpenn.com

Is it ok to drink "The Chosen Beer" while fasting? Conceived in San Fran and brewed in NY, Hebrew calls themselves the "Messiah Bold". L'Chaim!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Reader Submission: Drunk #25

Drunk #25
Aww, how peaceful does he look? "M.C." sent in this photo for our first reader submission. He caught this puddle of booze while he was counting his 100th sheep. Again, the trend of having a non alcoholic bevy in the photo... you wont sober up by drinking an Aquafina right after finishing a 12 pack and 4 shots of Goldshlick vodka. Save the water for the hangover.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

We got some fans!

Didn't catch the dudes names, but this is Alyce and her boys. They are the crew that set up Drunk #20 (see below) for her fame on Drunk In Penn. Cool group, def seem like they have a good time.

This guy Terry was funny. When I am drunk I have two things on my mind.... food and girls.... I guess Terry thinks the same. After he finished up his chinese food he was on the Penn Station prowl lookin' for some butt.

Liz and Amanda.... Drunk In Penn supporters.

Drunks #20 - #24

Drunk #20
This girls friends are evil. They left her hangin' solo then told me to go take her photo. She was a good sport though. When she woke up she said "take my picture, I dont give a fuck!".

Drunk #21
Light out.

Drunk #22
Drunk or food coma? I think both. When he came back to life his girlfriend had to escort him away from a couple of dudes who wanted to get in a heated debate over the Mets vs Yankees. The Yanks are out of the playoffs and the Mets are hangin' on by a pube. Save the arguments for October.

Drunk #23
Here's a true fan. The Yankees are 9 games out of first place and 7.5 games out of the wild card yet this dude is still flyin his colors. In his kung fu grip is a painting of The Great Bambino himself, Babe Ruth. Get em next year buddy!

Drunk #24
"I wonder why my ankle hurts today?" ... maybe it's because you stretched it sideways for about 2 hours last night while you were Drunk In Penn!

Smart Drunks!

Drunk #18
This is genious, but how do you think he got the back part to stay up before he sat down? Must have been a project.

Drunk #19
This girl took the easier route and got some paper towels from the pee room. Its funny how anal people are about even having their clothing touch the ground yet girls walk around barefoot every night.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Carmine holdin down the fort as the squally rolls by in their whip. I've been taking the LIRR home from NYC bars since around 1998 and this is the first time I've seen any kind of police vehicle leave from its designated parking spot. If I was part of new yorks finest I would be holding time trials down the tracks with $20 bets per officer.

This brown bagged soldier didn't have very nice words to say about my boy Carmine. Something about how a 16oz can of beer is $2.75 and a 12 oz. bottle of beer is $4. Doesn't make much sense to me either, but I go the easiest route and tackle the tall 24oz man can for $4. Best deal. And you dont argue with Carmine.. he runs the block.

Just another gross barefoot babe in Penn. I wont get over this.

Drunk #17
This is classic. Buddy shown here has all the recipes for a hangover before even leaving penn station. Tylenol, plenty of water, a banana and man on man cuddling. The vom almost made it into the garbage... but why not just let it fly on the floor instead right? It'll be in the perfect spot for you to roll over and put your socked foot into. 99.999% chance that that very spot will have host another drunks face in the near future......

Drunk #18
.......Kinda like this dude. That lil' nook in the corner was def home of some up chuck. I've noticed a trend in most drunks photos. Almost all of them switch over from the booze to either water, soda or juice. Maybe they should just keep it going? Might keep them awake... just an idea. I'm sure Carmine would love to sell them a $4 tall can of Bud Light. He sure loves taking my money every night.

Drunks #19 and #20
I almost feel bad for these two. I am gonna go out on a limb and say they are a couple? I took a stroll through Penn at around 2ish to see what was going on at the hot spot and they were passed out. I came back at 3 and they were still in la la land. Odds are they missed one or two trains. I've done that before with my ex... it sucked.

Drunks #21 and #22
Why just two drunks with 4 dudes in the photo? The two in the center are out like a light, but the guy on the right had the smarts to prop himself up against the garbage and the man on the left... is just.. old. Sure the lounge was empty, but that would mean he'd have to walk his ass over the 52.7 feet to pop a squat. When I'm old my ass is ploppin' anywhere I damn well please. Getting up might be a problem but I will deal with that when the time comes. I was waitin' around for backpack boy to hit the deck, but it didn't happen. He had the Seattle Sway goin' on and I thought it was only a matter of minutes before he gave in and buckled but he somehow pulled it together.

Jamie and Brooke

Here we have two ladies (Jamie and Brooke) who voluntarily took some photos for Drunk In Penn. While being passed out on the ground with you're face down in a pile of vom is a sure way to make it on the internet, being a walking puddle of booze is also blog-able. These two were on the 3:19am going to Port Washington (end of the line).... I have never intentionally taken the train to Port.... Sure, that is where you'll end up if you pass out and miss you're stop, usually with the conductor shaking you and kicking you off lost into the night. $45 dollars later for cab fare and you'll end up home. I've done it twice and believe me, it sucks. ANYWAY, these two girls were with 2 other stuck up broads who lightened up once the camera phone went away and my drunk charm kicked in. One of them was just anti everything while the other one thinks shes gonna be someone one day. Like being on Drunk In Penn wouldn't INCREASE youre chances of making it in the world!

One for the road?

9/18/08 6:17pm
This platform bar would be a disaster if they kept it out till the night owls were on the prowl. They roll these bad boys out for the 9 to 5ers that wanna get tuned up on their rides back to points east of the city. They have a full bar with beer and a select array of liquor consisting of the necessities like Jack and Vodka. I heard a rumor about a year ago that the LIRR was planning on getting rid of these since some tight asses were complaining. The argument was that most train go-ers drive to their stations so they didn't want to encourage people to have drinks then drive home from the station. Booze is everywhere people. You cant go one block in the city without passing a bar, deli/bodega or restaurant that sells alcohol. And odds are when you get off the train the stop you are at has a bar either at the station or in walking distance. If you want to drink, you will.... the rolling platform bar isn't going to get you smashed before arriving home and I highly doubt anyone is double fisting. Noone knows their track number until minutes before the train leaves the station. These were intended for grabbing a quick one for the road. We DEF do not promote drinking and driving, but everyone has a conscience and they should use it wisely.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Now lookie lookie what I have for you unda here".... Evan is such a bitch. These bad boys finally came in. Gonna spread them like the cheeks of a big black butt all over the city.

Check out all the floor space! The funny part about how many people post their asses on the floor is that Penn has multiple places to sit along with a lounge just steps away. Granted this photo doesn't show many open seats... the photo was taken last night at only 11:45pm. That is about an hourish or so before the peak drunk hours of Penn. It is virtually empty @ 2am while the hot spot looks like a sea of dead. Peep that dude slippin' some PDA in the lounge. At least use a bathroom stall buddy... we all know how clean those are!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How original!

Drunk #16

I've seen some homeless use paper as a bed. They will preferably use cardboard, but I guess anything is better than nothin right? This guy was definitely the attraction of the night for me along with all the other late night train go-ers that happened to stroll past him. If you've never been to Penn, this drunk is leaning against the pocket timetable sheets. They are different colors depending on what branch your stop is on. He should get extra originality points if we had some kind of grading system.... maybe that'll be a new idea for us. If anyone knows this dude give him a high five for me! It's almost the weekend!!!! Cant wait to see what kind of material we get this time.

Tip #1 for staying awake at Penn: Go in and read (more like look at the pictures) a freakin' magazine. The shop has about 400 different magazines ranging from porn to interior design.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Drunks #13-15

I wonder who started the trend? At least one of these three layed down first and the other two found it acceptable. Kudos to the two closest in the photo, at least they are laying on bags... no actual skin to tile contact. My guess is the one on the end is in the worst shape... shoes are even off. Seconds after this photo was taken a girl walked by in a broken high heel. I said "may as well take it off babe".. and she did. She was barefoot in Penn with heels in hand. It looked like the walk of shame the morning after a long night at a one night stands house. We crossed paths again while I was choppin it up with Carmine (you'll meet him soon... works at the beer stand in the magazine shop). I told her how it was filthy that she was rockin' no footwear in Penn Station... her reply was "what do you care, we aren't sleeping together". She actually had a point... but as I looked at her I thought...thank god. Hope she threw her sheets out in the morning.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What are friends for?

Drunks #4-12, 

Here we have Drunks 4-12. Not much to say here besides they were all twisted and each made the decision to nap it up before heading to points east of NYC. These are all taken in the LIRR section of Penn Station. That one sucker (who I blacked out his eyes because in his defense he was actually still awake).... had two girls to take care of. Unless the one on his shoulder is his sister he is indeed the sucker who had to take care of his girlfriend and her sloppy sidecar. Nothing is worse then going out to have your night ruined by your girl who cant handle her booze. It happens to the best of us, but its a swift kick to the balls when you have to tend to her friend who you prob dont even like. You know the type.. the kind of girl you don't want your girlfriend hanging around because of her bad influence. The kind of girl who you know for a fact let her high school football team run train to celebrate the big game? Yea, her. At least that one guy looks to have a good chance of catching a train beej... she's almost there and he looks to be in a comphy position.