Ment to post these a few days ago but shit happens. This is part #2 of "Little Ones" pics she took last saturday night in good ol' Penn. It looks like they were all taken in the hot spot area. Feast your eyes....

Drunks #45 + #46
4:00am ish
How cute... at least they arent cuddling. Hopefully he set his cell phones volume to 11. At least he is wearing black socks. Nothing is worse then wearing the hard bottoms and showing white socks when your pants get jacked up. Style points brah!

Drunk # 47
4:00am ish
Dude is OUT! Some Penn employee is changing the garbage inches from this drunkies face. If the wiff of a days worth of Penn garbage doesn't wake you nothing will. Maybe he woke up in the middle of the AM commute. I heard on manSWERS that a fart can be used in place of a mouth for CPR. Pork and beans it is!

Drunk #48
4:00am ish
Lil cat nap before a ride home. Pick up! You have a collect call from the germ police... they say "put your damn shoes on before you walk on this gross floor!"

Drunk #49 + #50
4:00am ish
This could have easily broken the #50 marker for drunks on this page but I figure since the main focus of this photo is the 2 dudes on the right we will keep it at that. The bald dude just looks confused and the blurry image doesnt help his case. BUT the best part of this moment caught in drunk time is the 2 corpses we have in each of the top corners. No faces or torsos.... just legs and ass creeping out of the corners. If you put 2 and 2 together you can figure out that the dude on the top left is infact drunk #47 from the post above.

Drunk #51
4:00am ish
No photos, No photos.

Drunks #52-#54
4:00am ish
I dont know what to say. No witty explanation is needed for this one but I'll try. Passed the fuck out youngsters in rough shape back at the station. Do girls really match their undies to the bags they are gonna bring out that night? Thats news to me. Knees are a little roughed up too.... I wont get into that though. Penn is almost like the side of the road for a deer. You ever notice that they make it to the side of the road before they give up the fight? They get slammed into someones windshield then stumble to the side before dying. Drunks kill their livers but wait till they get inside Penn to shut the lights out on the brain.