Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You going to the city tonight?

BIggest drinking night of the year here in the states. Unfortunately, I wont be in the big apple tonight......I know, crushing news right?!? Here is your chance to become a part of the squad. Go crazy tonight! Take lots of photos! Send them in tomorrow to . We will publish your work tomorrow.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I showed up with about a minute to spare before the 3:19 train home. Missing this train blows. The next is at 5:19 and that only leads to more drinking. Odds are you'll wind up at the end of the line with the conductor kicking you off the train. I had no time to scour the scene for shots so I dont have any exciting photos to post today.
This one is for Corrado. He is currently on the west coast for an Arizona booty call. He's been slackin' big time (even more then I've been) and I am pretty sure I fired him the other night while brown bagging a Colt 45 forty ounce. Hopefully he steps back to the plate when he gets back to NYC.
This girl was miserable....
... and this fuckin' guy talked my ear off about god knows what for the whole ride home.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Drunk #85

Drunk #85
"No, that dumb ass passed out"
"I dunno I think he was sippin on Zima or some shit"
"His girl?... yea that hunny is right next to me"
"Yea yea, Imma try and slide in ahhhh!..... drunk ass dude wont even know! ahhhh!"
"Word word aight lemme hit you up tomorrow this trains about to pull out"
"HAHA pull out SIKE!"
"See ya in 9 months bitchhhh!"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Drunk #84

Drunk 84
Buddy hit the deck HARD. Took himself out after a nice texas two step. He took a couple wrong steps and fell flat out on his back. His boy thought it was pretty hilarious.... as did I.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Saturday night/Sunday morning pics

Its way early for this shit. They couldn't pay the same schmuck to do this on Thanksgiving eve in time for the parade? He would have been just as miserable to lug the ladder out on that fabulous world famous drinking night. Next comes the happy Christmas music that we are forced to hear in every corporate establishment from Thanksgiving to New Years.

This many people need to go to Babylon at 5am? Who knew. The herd all waits around the big timetable board then scrambles for the stairs like the train is going to leave without them. If you look at the time... the train leaves in 6 minutes and the only thing between them and the train is about 20 steps. Relax people.

And you know she put her stank feet right in the bed when she got home. Not even a quick wash in the sink first.

At least this one used some common sense while she was resting her feets.

Ahh... gotta love it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Bandana Bandits!

Drunks 78-83
Clearly the dude in the white didn't get the "lets all rock our black bandanas tonight" memo but that doesn't change the fact that the top of his cranium is resting on his friends ball sack. Drunk In Penn doesn't have a problem with anyones sexual orientation... but c'mon is this really necessary? I showed this photo to my cousin "Toad" who is visiting the home base after his move out to the left coast and he had this to say. The guy in the grey striped shirt looks like he should be home tudoring math. Pass the honey mustard BRO!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Drunk #77

Drunk #77
Nothing a little kick wont solve. These coppers were having a ball gettin this dude to his feet. Check out Mr. Clean back there, hes having a marvelous time. Doesn't the dude on the right in the second picture look like Dan Akroyd? So this is what Raymond "Ray" Stantz did after retiring his proton pack?

Where the hell have we been???

Took a little break from Penn this past month. Cant say I will be posting everyday but here is a little taste to get your mouth watering again. Ass-n-Titties... ass ass titties titties.